Ani Paloyan was born in 1984. She received her master’s degree in Biology from Yerevan State University in 2007. Afterward, she started working towards her Ph.D. research topic to characterize and apply phenylpyruvate transaminating enzymes from microbial origin. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in Biology (specialization Biotechnology) in 2013. Since 2008 Ani has been working in the Scientific and Production Center “Armbiotechnology” NAS RA in the laboratory of Protein Technologies (SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION CENTER “ARMBIOTECHNOLOGY” NAS RA). Her main scientific interests are isolating, characterizing, and studying the structure/function relationship of industrially relevant enzymes. In recent years, her studies are also aimed at metagenomic analyses of extreme environments for identifying, cloning, and characterization of new enzymes for second and third-generation biorefineries, waste treatment, and green chemistry. Finally, she aims to develop eco-friendly and sustainable technologies, especially in the field of Circular Bioeconomy.

Dr. Ani Paloyan
Senior Researcher