Artur Alaverdyan is the owner and chairman of ProfHolod, the largest manufacturer, the leader of the EURASEC market in its segment. He is also the founder, ex-chairman and board member of the professional Association NAPPAN, a member of the Managing Committee of PU Europe Association (Brussel). Artur Alaverdyan was granted the degree and qualification of the engineer-physicist at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI, Moscow). The professional activity of the scientist began at the Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia). He has 20 years of successful business activity in Russia. The serial entrepreneur has several successful “exits”. Holds an ExMBA degree in strategic management (Moscow). He also studied in Paris and Amsterdam. He actively invests in the Armenian economy in the fields of recreational development and production of renewable energy sources (“Park Resort Agveran” and “SolarOn”). He is also engaged in public activities as a Member of the “Ayb” Club, is the chairman of the FAST and a member of the advisory council of the Repat Armenia Foundation. His current key interests are focused on alternative energy, impact investing, and innovation.

Artur Alaverdyan
Founding Angel