We’re inspired by tomorrow. FAST is building an ecosystem of innovation to lead scientists, technologists, and innovators in Armenia and beyond to success on the global stage. With a focus on entrepreneurial endeavors, FAST empowers innovators to bring cutting-edge, commercially viable, and globally competitive solutions to life. We partner with academic, governmental, and non-governmental organizations alongside global players to explore and create what's next.
FAST must become a platform for bringing about the technological breakthrough in Armenia in the areas of IT and computer science, artificial intelligence, high-tech materials, robotics, biotechnology, advanced engineering, and manufacturing technologies.

- FAST concentrates the resources behind select breakthrough innovations, inventions, and multi-stakeholder projects.
- FAST coordinates the activities of scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs to amplify their work and impact at local and global levels.
- FAST catalyzes the development of globally competitive science and technology verticals, driving advancement, and market-readiness.